Have you ever been to a party where our host or
hosts are so busy with all of the little details that the guests leave the
party thinking, “That was a great party, but I wish we'd had more time to speak with our host!” (perhaps
that is why we go 'out' to dinner more these days!) I imagine this Martha from
over 2,000 years ago to have something in common with a certain ‘Marthas’ and
perhaps even 'Michaels' of our present day and culture.. Making the just the
right table setting, the delicious and perhaps elaborate meal, adjusting every
little detail until it is just so perfectly in place, they turning to the
guests to enjoy their company. I think we enjoy being a host and doing
something special and enjoying your guests, but it should not replace the time
we have to really spend our time with them, especially when it starts to feel
like ‘work’ as Martha obviously expresses in today's reading.
If you don't mind I'm going to preach to myself
this morning, but you can listen in!
Today we read "Martha, Martha,
you are anxious and troubled about many things" Have you ever
seen an age so filled with anxiety as ours? The American Academy of Family
Physicians reports that two-thirds of all office visits are prompted by stress
related symptoms. We are all so driven. Being busy has become a way of life. A
man had a sign on his desk that said "Beware of the
barrenness of a busy life. Beware of the barrenness of a busy life.
I don=t know about you, but I feel the
stress of our driven-ness.. How about
you? Ever had bills to pay, be at a
certain place at a certain time, get stuck in traffic, behind at work,
pressured by friends, business colleagues or family, tried to fit Awellness in life, get
enough sleep and be up and about at daybreak!
I know I have. We live in an age that values
"productivity". We talk about
the values of relationships and people, but "time is money". And then people like me, stand up and tell
you to come to church for a relationship with God and others! When I was young there was the stress of
getting to the cafeteria early enough after church before the line got too
long! Stress! In his book "Restoring
Your Spiritual Passion" pastor Gordon
McDonald speaks of the pace in IHS' day. The days were filled with things to doCbut the time
between occasions of ministry to talk as they walked from place to place. Not breakfast in
Damascus, lunch in Jerusalem and dinner in Capernaum!
Our culture is
shaping usCfashioning us into its image. We see its
moldsCbroken homes, broken dreams, broken
people, addiction, suicide and obsession. Romans 12:2 says"Do not conform
any longer to the pattern of this world". J.B. Phillips
translated this verse "don't let the world
squeeze you into its mold."Christians are
called to "come out from
among them".We are the Acalled out" ones. We expect
to look at the world and see the ChurchCbut instead we
look at the Church and see the world. This driven-nessCthis frightening
pragmatism and "one-upmanship"Care even seen in
the Church. We are called to exemplify ChristCnot the world
with a Cross on top! Driven-ness results
in spiritual emptiness. There was a story of a Florida resident who woke to
find the street in front of their apartment building collapsed because of a
lack of water underneath and produced a giant sinkhole. The less water to support, the bigger the
sinkhole. This is a good analogy for the driven lifeCa spiritual
collapse. The emphasis is on surface concernsCnot counting the
potential cost to the inner self. Many of us are more Marthas than the Marys of
today=s Gospel. We are more worried about the things
of life than the meaning of life.
Where is our
trust in God. I once heard of a sign
that said, Worry is an
insult to your Father. In Church were
can be so occupied with the things of God that we never
encounter the person of God, never really encounter the person of Jesus. The
prophet Jeremiah said,. "My
people have committed two sins: They have
forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns,
broken cisterns that cannot hold water. Jer. 2:13This
produces Churches with the country club mentality or the entitlement
mentality. They produce goods but no godliness.
Busy, busy, busy, but where is the fruit of godliness, a
reflection of Jesus Christ in the lives of those church-goers? People can walk out of those churches
self-satisfied and wake up some day in separated from God in eternity. We
separate the physical and the spiritual forgetting that
IHS pulls the world together. For the
Christian all ground is Holy Ground every bush a
burning bush all space is Holy space for us because
we carry God=s Spirit in us. IHS X is a God of
the common the ordinary he simple. IHS
said to Martha one thing is needful. That one thing is
to hear God's voice.
Those of us in
Church can be worried so much over the things of Church that we forget the
reason for Church. Remember God does not
dwell in a Temple made with hands, He dwells in our hearts.@ We live in a
culture that sees value only in what we produce what we do not who we are and there is a real dearth
of character in our world today. We can become workaholics in any area
including churchy things. Why was Mary=s act of sitting
and relating, being taught by IHS the good portion because it built
toward eternal goals. One Rabbi says
that Mary sits at the feet of Jesus the position of
a student in Hebraic culture who sits at the feet of the great teacher or
rabbi. I had a priest tell me he could never worship at Church before he
retired as he was too busy worrying about things. Worrying about religious things can become a
golden calf of idolatry if it becomes a substitute for our personal
relationship with IHS and how easy it is to happen!
Are we anxious about so many things that
in the eye of Eternity don=t really matter?
Have we made some concern, some Churchly or secular
preoccupation so central that God is left out in the mix?
In Philippians 4:6 we are told Do not be
anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Have a goal for your material
and spiritual life: integration We must press on toward the goal as St. Paul
in Philippians 3:14CAI press on
toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me...in Christ Jesus. We must be on God=s team, not our
own! May we serve as we have learned why we serve. But, let us order our private worlds
purposefully, making the decision daily to live as a called rather than
a driven person.
If we are to be driven let it be to sit
with Mary at IHS feet and as she was, be a disciple, one
who learns to be a follower of his way which is Gods Truth
revealed. We prayed: Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, you know our
necessities before we ask and our ignorance in asking: Have compassion on our
weakness, and mercifully give us those things which for our unworthiness we
dare not, and for our blindness we cannot ask; through the worthiness of your
Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen. As Jesus
told Martha let us choose the necessary and better part in Christ which cannot
be taken away.