Vigil of St Bartholomew 24, August 2014 Fr. Robert RM Bagwell+
Sermons of the Reverend Robert Bagwell + Anglican Priest + Previously Episcopal Priest + Pooler -Savannah Georgia Founding Priest of Restoration Pointe Community Church (Anglican)
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Acceptance: The Character of Christ.
Proper XV+A August
17, 2014 The Reverend Robert R.M. Bagwell+
St Thomas Parish Isle
of Hope, Georgia
poor widow with three young daughters lived near the Methodist church. The
pastor went to visit and invited them to services.
"We would love to come," said the woman, "but we don't have any Sunday clothes."
The pastor went back to the church and talked to some of the women in the church who bought and delivered a really nice Sunday outfit for the woman and each of her three daughters.
The next Sunday, the whole congregation watched for the family, but they never showed. Disappointed, the pastor went to their house after the service and asked why they did not attend church.
"Well," the woman said, "we got all dressed up in our new clothes, and we looked so nice that we went to the Episcopal Church instead!"
"We would love to come," said the woman, "but we don't have any Sunday clothes."
The pastor went back to the church and talked to some of the women in the church who bought and delivered a really nice Sunday outfit for the woman and each of her three daughters.
The next Sunday, the whole congregation watched for the family, but they never showed. Disappointed, the pastor went to their house after the service and asked why they did not attend church.
"Well," the woman said, "we got all dressed up in our new clothes, and we looked so nice that we went to the Episcopal Church instead!"
you ever experienced being excluded?
Perhaps, it was when you were a child and your parents said you couldn't=t do something or go somewhere because,
Ayou weren't old enough@.
Perhaps there was a group in school that was the Ain@ group and you wanted very much to be a
part of them and their activities, but they shunned you.
Scripture presents us, this morning with exclusion, especially the story of an
excluded woman, prejudice, hurt at rejection.
The human race is divided: from others, from God and even from ourselves
as psychology will attest. Exclusion is
a reality, a part of this sinful worldCdoes
God have an answer for it?
The Gospel Says that Jesus and His Disciples withdrew
to the District of Tyre and Sidon.
This was a withdrawal to the Gentile
(non-Jewish) territory.
His mission and ministry were exhausting and he
needed time to become refreshed, physically and spiritually.
It is clear that earlier in this chapter, Jesus
was being attacked for not keeping strict adherence to the laws of purity,
associating with those the religious authorities deemed unacceptable.
He also is dealing with the issue of the outward
keeping of rules and regulations versus, the inward attitudes associated with
the "keeping of the laws."
I once heard a story about a little boy in
Church with his father. He was a very
hyperactive child and kept standing up in the pews, looking at the people
behind him and not being still. It was driving
his father crazy. He finally in
desperation pulled his son down in the pew beside him and said "would you
please sit down and be still!" The
little boy not to be outdone said "well I may be sitting down on the
outside, but I'm standing up on the inside."
This is an example of the letter of the law and
the spirit of the law. Jesus came to
teach us that outward conformity is not as important as inward
believing--conformity versus obedience. Or look at it this way: would you
rather have someone "have to"
give you a gift or "want to"
give you a gift?
God is not different from us in this regard.
Churches have this problem constantly when we
look down at others. In my fundamentalist youth we judged others by their not
doing the things that we thought they should be doing and doing things we
thought they should not.
This usually was to do with going to certain
movies, dressing a certain way,
listen to certain music and the
like. We judged ourselves morally superior if they did what we thought they
Today, a Canaanite woman approached Jesus.
She was descended from the pagan nations from
those non-Jews or Jewish enemies who had populated the region since the fall of
the Jewish KingdomsCand the
exile in Babylon.
This was old prejudiceCdeep prejudiceCnational prejudice
against 'her kind'. .
This was also a religious prejudiceCA woman from a mongrel race, non-Jewish
pagan race, rejected by God. The Jews especially rejected them for their
sacrifices of their children to their god
Jesus had a myriad of reasons to reject her from His Jewish heritage and
tradition. This was an enemy.
And yet she approaches Jesus.
She says,AHave
mercy on me Lord! O Son of DavidCmy daughter is severely possessed by a
demon@. Jesus
ignores her. She persists, again and againCshe
can=t take a hint. The disciples say to Jesus
Csend her away, she is crying after
us! She won=t
leave us alone!
They had been brought up in good Jewish
tradition to avoid such people!
Jesus puts her off though she had called Him, ASon of David@,
a Messianic title. He then explains his
current charge and mission: AI was sent only to the lost sheep of the
House of Israel, saying, "I am called to minister to the Jews for now.
"What is important here is to note her
persistence. But she falls before Him, ALord
help me!@ she
says. It isn=t fair to
take the children=s bread
and throw it to the dogs.A
or "goyim" was the term Jews used for non-Jews. It was as though Jesus
was seeing just how far she would go.
She replies, Aeven
the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master=s
table@.Jesus responds
in a way he only responded a few times in His ministry, AGreat
is your faithCbe it
done as you desire@.
Jesus in the midst of being rejected by His own
people is believed in by a pagan woman. This gesture became fundamental to His
mission after the resurrection.
Jesus Christ came to Initiate the Breaking Down
of Division, Prejudice and Pride, that sin has brought into the world. It is
said that the ground is level at the foot of the crossCAll
earthly distinctions are abolished because all are sinners alike saved by grace
alike, all divisions are abolished.
It is on this basis that we are to love everyoneCno matter how unlovable.
In Jesus Christ we have God=s breaking into our word and the
beginning of the fulfillment of the Kingdom of GodCthe
reign of God, the Spirit Aon
all peoples@ That we
will see following the resurrection and Pentecost..
Who are the "dogs" in your life and
These are the folks that we shirk from, the ones
we'd just as soon not deal with. We
think "here we go again". We all have them, those people!
These are the people we prejudge or dismiss
because they are different from us. Did
you get the memo? Everyone, without
exception, is different from us.
Jesus Christ loves each of us although He
certainly is different from all of us!
Can we do less for anyone made in the image of God?
Before you say "physician heal
thyself", I know it is a part of the human condition even if we have been
redeemed into Christ's body.
Paul tells the Church at Rome that God has used
the rejection of Jesus by the Jews to bring mercy to the GentilesCyou
and me!
Paul hopes that the Jews response over God=s
actions will bring them to the conclusion that Jesus is Messiah and they will
be saved. If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild
olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the
nourishing sap from the olive root, do not boast over those branches.
You do not support the root, but the root
supports you. After all, if you were cut out of an olive tree that is wild by
nature, and were grafted into a cultivated olive tree, how much more readily
will these, the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree! Then
the Gentiles joyfully received the gospel!
What does the
example of JESUS have to say to us? Today? In this
church? That it does not matter our
history, background, family, nationality, intelligence or even faithfulness to
God's Law. Jesus Christ is open and available to you, just as you areCHe will accept you, just as you are,
not as you should be. Those who think that, they are where they should be
spiritually, intellectually or morally, don=t
need God. They have created their own god and it is them!. We also learn that
God honors persistent faith-filled prayer. Some of us, when our prayers are not
answered instantaneously, quit praying. YetCin
the glorious mystery of the incarnation the Spirit, God became united
indissolubly to human flesh creating a new creation of God=s adopted, children who are one with
His Spirit.
not believing the impossible, but believing persistently, in the person and
character of God, is that faith that
changes us to be like Him, bridges the gap between God and humanity and brings
kingdom to personal lifestyle.
Canaanite woman is our ancestors in faith because we are GentilesCseparated from God, but God has
included us ad opened salvation to all who will accept Him as LordC master, Savior, redeemer, mediator,
brother and friend. Does God have an
answer to exclusion? Yes! Come, He says
and be received into the unconditional acceptance of God in Jesus, Our Lord.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Proper XIV+A 10, August, 2014 The Reverend Robert R.M. Bagwell+
A little boy was afraid of
the dark. One night his mother told him to go out to the back porch and
bring her the broom. The little boy turned to his mother and said,
"Mama, I don't want to go out there. It's dark."
The mother smiled reassuringly at her son. "You don't have to be afraid of the dark," she explained. "Jesus is out there. He'll look after you and protect you."
The little boy looked at his mother real hard and asked, "Are you sure he's out there?" "Yes, I 'm sure. He is everywhere, and he is always ready to help you when you need him," she said.
The little boy thought about that for a minute and then went to the back door and cracked it a little. Peering out into the darkness, he called, "Jesus? If you're out there, would you please hand me the broom? FEAR!
The mother smiled reassuringly at her son. "You don't have to be afraid of the dark," she explained. "Jesus is out there. He'll look after you and protect you."
The little boy looked at his mother real hard and asked, "Are you sure he's out there?" "Yes, I 'm sure. He is everywhere, and he is always ready to help you when you need him," she said.
The little boy thought about that for a minute and then went to the back door and cracked it a little. Peering out into the darkness, he called, "Jesus? If you're out there, would you please hand me the broom? FEAR!
I find the readings
appointed for today very frustrating.
Why? Because any of the three are
resplendent with themes that can be preached on with fervor and importance so
you'll forgive me if I try to say too much or too little on any of them. One
thing is clear: they speak of God's desire to share his character and purpose.
The other is how important faith and belief are in our participation in God's
great plan. In all of the readings there
is one answer: God.
Think back to a time when
you were afraid. We deal with fear in
many ways, many of them less than helpful.
There are myriad examples of people afraid in the Bible. Fear is a great motivator. It gets us to take action. It can also
immobilize us and stop our ability to function. We use phrases like: I froze, I
trembled, my heart-stopped to describe the effects of fear on human beings. It
is the character traits to overcome these circumstances that are described
through words like: courageous, fearless, heroic. We look up to people with these qualities. But the Bible talks about a good kind of
fear. .Proverbs tells us: The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Throughout the Bible you find the righteous and godly
described as "fearing God" and the unrighteous as having no fear of
God. Clearly this is a different kind of
fear from the stories of Elijah and that of Peter. This fear is a healthy
respect, an acknowledgement of who God is and what his authority entails. This reveals to us a very important
principle: the opposite of faith is
not doubt. The opposite of faith
is FEAR!
We come to find the prophet Elijah, Elijah hiding in a
cave. At least he was at "Horeb,
the Mount of God", so he was moving in the right direction. The Spirit of
the Lord comes to him and says: "What
are you doing here, Elijah?" What we hear
from him is not the fiery rhetoric of a fiery prophet, but more akin to that of
a child being picked on by bullies. "I
have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts; for the Israelites have
forsaken your covenant, thrown down your altars, and killed your prophets with
the sword. I alone am left, and they are seeking my life, to take it
away." It hardly sounds like
the same guy who had confronted the 450 prophets of Baal and challenged them to
prove whose God was real in a trial of proof by fire in the previous chapter! Elijah was in a bad way. He afraid and
depressed. He saw his circumstances more than the God he was called to
serve. Remember how he challenged them to
prove who really was God? They cried for Baal to consume the sacrifice without the
prophets lighting it. All day they cried.
Elijah said, "cry louder, perhaps he
is asleep". He then rebuilt the altar of God, had them drench it with gallons
of water on it and then cried out to God. The fire fell, consumed the wood, the sacrifice
and even the very stones! He has seen God's power. Then forward to Mt Horeb. Here
God gives the prophet a glimpse of his power in a profound experience as his "shekinah"
glory passes by. . But the profound experience was not in this. It is seen in the
powerful wind or the earthquake, or any mighty
act of power but in what other translations do not translate as 'silence' but
as a still small voice, the voice of God.
The opposite of
faith is FEAR!
Then we see a scenario where Peter
the "rock" asks the Lord to prove if it was "really
him". Peter steps out of the boat
but rather than keeping his eyes on Jesus, he begins to look everywhere but at
the Lord. He really wasn't looking in
the right direction. When he sees himself all alone trying to do what he had asked
to do, he forgot to look at Jesus. He saw circumstances, not Jesus. He then began to fail. He could not do it
without God's help. The "Rock" became a "sand-pile." But he
then cries out to the Lord. This was the
good kind of fear, fear that turned him to the source of security. The opposite of faith is FEAR!
The Collect says this: "Grant to us,
Lord, we pray, the spirit to think and do always those things that are right,…" How does anyone find "right
thinking"? I would suggest that it
comes through being "rightly related to God". This is what is also translated in Holy
Scripture as "righteousness". Righteousness is not the abundance of
"good deeds." It is believing God, believing 'in' God, depending upon
Paul addresses this important point
in our Epistle reading today. This is
the remedy to fear. Paul writes to the Church at Rome: "because if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For
one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the
mouth and so is saved." How did
the later Christians marched into the Coliseum singing hymns do so? The
opposite of fear is FAITH. They could
have looked at their circumstances and let that overshadow their faith in
Christ, One of the ancient Fathers, Tertullian, wrote:"the blood of the
martyrs is the seed of the Church."
When the Romans saw this spectacle, what did many of them do? They became Christians who could stare death in
the face without fear. For this they
were immediately declared 'saints' by the Church. As we see our sister and brother
Coptic Christians being slaughtered my Moslem extremists, let us remember them in
our prayers. May they keep their eyes on Jesus!
Salvation is effected by confessing or professing with the mouth and believing in the heart. Have you noticed the new rites for Baptism and Confirmation? They each ask: Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Savior? and the candidate says: I do. Do you put your whole trust in his grace and love? I do. Do you promise to follow and obey him as your Lord? I do. Being a "secret disciple" is really not an option when we must profess with our mouths.
Paul then writes a verse that many if not all of us
are familiar with being from the South: 'For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall
be saved." This is also a
quote from the Book of the Prophet Joel (2:32) who writes: "And everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved;" This
text seeks to recruit us into the sharing of this "good news." But do we or does "fear" (there's
that word again) keep us silent?
The presupposition here seems to be that calling on the Lord for salvation is a sign of faith in the heart. God wants desperately be in relationship with humanity, that is why Jesus died! But God does not pound on the door of the heart, he speaks in the still small voice that the loud din of the world tries to stamp out.
The Apostle John wrote: " Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." (Revelation 3:20)
French Hermit Religious, Charles de Fould wrote this: "the one thing we absolutely to God is never to be afraid of anything." That is the Way of Jesus.
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